Redesign your Midlife with customized plans to launch you from ‘Surviving the Change’ to ‘Thriving in it.'
Let’s initiate you into your Thrive with personalized hormone support, diet and lifestyle practices that best suit your body, genetics, mind and spirit.
There is no one right way to
treat the symptoms of menopause.
However, there is a right way for you.
The ‘Restore your Core and Thrive’ programs help guide you through the chaos to discover your ‘right way’ through this transition.
Hormone Testing & Consult
Being symptom-free doesn't necessarily mean things are optimal. Take the guesswork out of optimal hormone levels and proper hormone dosing. This is for women interested in establishing a baseline or for women on hormone replacement who want to be assured their hormones levels match their health goals while reducing their risk factors for disease.
'Discover your Personalized Thriving Menopause Diet
Discover the right diet for you to balance your hormones, optimize health and prevent chronic disease. Blood sugar dysregulation, accumulated toxins, genetics and inflammatory food sensitivities can affect your hormone detoxification pathways and contribute to hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances and weight gain. You will be guided through an anti-inflammatory diet, created for you based on your symptoms and health history. It is vital to establish a new baseline of clean eating to determine your personal inflammatory food triggers and begin designing your personalized diet to thrive.
Optimize Your Genetics for Menopause
Personalize your menopause further by taking the power of your genetic report to the next level. Genetic reports let you know if you have specific variants, but they don’t tell you whether the genes are expressing themselves or not. Your lifestyle, environment and diet play a huge role in determining if genes are expressed. In this program we take a total body assessment of your symptoms and explore your genetic report to optimize hormone support, address your unique nutritional needs and fine-tune your diet to reduce your risk factors for chronic disease.
Thriving Menopause Program
This 6-month program is designed to help you find the most effective way to find relief from your menopausal symptoms while restoring your core health. With an in-depth full body health assessment, hormone testing, genetic testing and specifically targeted lab testing you will not only discover the safest way to treat your symptoms, but you will learn how to optimize your heart, brain, bone, and breast health with personalized prevention protocols to launch you from surviving your transition to Thriving into Midlife and beyond.
Download Dr Cheryl’s Thriving Anti-Inflammatory Diet ebook to jumpstart your THRIVE into Menopause
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